
What is the best country to live in

  1. Sweden 


Sweden takes first place in the ranking for the best quality of life in 2022. The country stands out for the  quality of life of its health systems and  public education, security, economic stability and well-developed politics.

In addition, Sweden is committed to sustainable development, human rights, wealth distribution and higher education. It is a beautiful country with breathtaking landscapes, wonderful cities and a well-educated population.

  1. Denmark 


Denmark has the second best quality of life in the world. Factors such as income equality, political stability, security and a good  education and healthcare system influence Denmark's ranking. The Danish government is considered a very stable and transparent entity. The country is governed by a constitutional monarchy and members of Denmark's highest legislative body, the Folketing, are elected by the people. The Danish government is progressive and the country's social structure is characterized by admirable social mobility.


 Thanks to progressive taxation, the country has a universal healthcare system in which citizens receive free medical care. Higher education is also free. 


Denmark has several cutting-edge industries, including food processing, iron, steel and machinery production, and tourism. The main export goods are agricultural and industrial machinery, pharmaceuticals, processed foods and furniture.

  1. Canada 


Canada is one of the safest countries. While  living standards vary greatly from person to person in each country, examining numerous social indicators reveals  many things for which Canadians can be grateful. Canadians are generally healthy people who do not suffer from serious or contagious illnesses in large numbers. 


Canada is a high-tech industrial society. Although the service sector is the most important economic driver in Canada, the country also exports a lot of energy, food and minerals.Canada is the third largest oil producer in the world. It also has the third largest proven oil reserves. Thanks to the strength of the Canadian economy, Canadians enjoy a very high quality of life. 


Canada is among the best countries for most environmental quality criteria. Canada's constitution says men and women are legally equal, and provincial and federal human rights laws protect them from sexual discrimination by state-owned companies and the private sector.Under federal law, marriage, divorce and military service are  formally gender neutral.

  1. Switzerland

Switzerland's ranking is determined by factors such as the economy, political stability and a well-developed public education system. 

The country is characterized by a low unemployment rate and a well-qualified workforce. The economy is driven by low corporate tax rates, a highly developed service sector with excellence in the financial sector, and a strong high-tech manufacturing industry. This makes life in Switzerland  very attractive for people planning to  move to Europe.

  1. Norway 


Norway comes in fifth place  in the study. Norway's security, political stability and a well-developed public education system stand out in the rankings. The country is wealthy, has one of the world's largest oil exporters, free higher education and a long literary tradition. 

This country is one of the most developed countries in the world and is characterized by a high standard of living and a reputation as one of the best places to live. 


Norway is also considered an excellent country  to work in Europe, with notable policies such as maternity leave and gender equality.Unemployment rates are low and salaries are competitive, especially for people with college degrees.

Important Factors 

Below are some of the key factors that influence the method of defining the best countries to live in. 


Quality of life: In the countries at the top of the ranking you will find affordable prices, a good job market, economic stability and a family atmosphere. A sense of income equality and a well-developed public education system play an important role in securing the future of the next generation. 


Health: Strong health systems and easy access to medical care are essential. In addition to excellent healthcare, the country should also focus on preventative measures and wellness initiatives.


Education: A strong education system can be a game-changer. Innovations in teaching and opportunities for lifelong learning are convincing indicators. 


Entrepreneurship: Global connectivity, an educated population, innovation, transparent business practices and the development of legal frameworks promote an environment conducive to entrepreneurial success. 


Agility: A country's dynamism, adaptability, cultural modernity and progressiveness determine how quickly it reacts to global changes. Flexibility often leads to a vibrant, responsive community in which individuals can thrive.


Social Purpose: Evaluate factors such as environmental quality, emphasis on human rights, gender and racial equality, religious freedom, respect for property rights, and climate goals. 


Income: Income stability and development opportunities are crucial. Countries with diversified labor markets and favorable economic conditions offer profitable prospects. 


Openness for companies: production costs, bureaucracy, a favorable tax environment, corruption and government transparency are important. 


Adventure: Tourism-friendly countries with warm climates, breathtaking scenery and entertainment have an advantage.


Heritage: The cultural richness of the place adds to its charm. Cultural accessibility, rich history, geographical attractions and excellent cuisine make for a fulfilling life.

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